Energy efficiency in Eastern Europe’s city centres. What lesson can be learnt?
Local authorities in Russian Federation and Ukraine learn from European local partners how to improve energy efficiency in historic and public buildings.
Buildings account for 40% of the energy demand in the EU, and even more in the ENPI countries. Th e building sector is therefore essential to reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
Historical buildings, of which there are many in Ukraine and the Russian Federation, pose a particular challenge given constraints to renovation work that make it difficult to increase their energy performance.
Th is project aims at facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) and energy effi cient (EE) technologies and materials into the renovation of historical buildings with an eye to the various issues and constraints linked to the preservation of authenticity and artefacts in buildings.
This shall be achieved by collecting and developing successful processes, policies, technical measures and tools aimed at the improved energy performance of historic buildings and districts.
Th e object is to ensure that the interventions are contained in terms of costs, and that appropriate planning and authorisation procedures are put in place. In a period of shrinking public budgets, replicable and efficient solutions should be shared among stakeholders of all the countries involved.
Appropriate policies and a process favouring energy efficient rehabilitation of historic buildings will be put in place as a result of the project.